January 13, 2021 (Wednesday Evening)
Bible Text: Pride and Humility | Pastor Dwight Oswald
Series: Discipleship
January 6, 2021 (Wednesday Evening)
Bible Text: The Christian Home | Pastor Dwight Oswald
December 2, 2020 (Wednesday Evening)
Pastor Dwight Oswald
November 11, 2020 (Wednesday Evening)
Bible Text: Discipleship Week 14 Spiritual Gifts | Pastor Dwight Oswald
November 4, 2020 (Wednesday Evening)
Bible Text: The Holy Spirit | Pastor Dwight Oswald
October 28, 2020 (Wednesday Evening)
October 21, 2020 (Wednesday Evening)
Bible Text: Discipleship Week 12 Israel and the Covenants | Pastor Dwight Oswald
October 14, 2020 (Wednesday Evening)
Bible Text: Discipleship Week 11 - The Church | Pastor Dwight Oswald
October 7, 2020 (Wednesday Evening)
September 30, 2020 (Wednesday Evening)
Bible Text: Disipleship Week 9 Baptism and Communion | Pastor Dwight Oswald